Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Chloe's Transitioning to Home Continues!

Oct. 27, 2009 Well, well. It has been too long since I have updated you all, but life has a way of derailing the best laid plans, I'm sure everyone here can relate to that! It is a good thing that I have waited though, because since my last post the pervading attitude of the transitional period has much improved. I guess any big change causes some stress, and when a change this big comes around, the stressors also loom larger. This is Chloe's life, the 20th was actually her birthday six months ago! Seems quite unbelievable that we all have that time behind us; all the thrills and chills, worries, celebrations, hitting the knees double and triple time, in both prayers for strength and courage and prayers giving praise and thanks for the unending gifts we have received. With the illnesses and surgeries behind us, who wouldn't have the HUGE expectations we have for Chloe's well being at this point in time? Spring, summer and fall have gone and Chloe is not yet home. She is doing so well though and the thing keeping her from leaving the hospital is waiting on the home health care. This frustration is still there, but Chloe growing and staying well has softened the blow of waiting even longer, and the staff on her new floor has taken note of level of concern in keeping her well while she is in wait mode and are taking good care of our little Warrior Princess. I wonder how that all would have gone without the added bit of chaos at the beginning, but somehow I am convinced that it all happened just as it was supposed to and that Chloe is much better tended to because of it. So, big news of this day is that Chloe, sleeping soundly, made her way into the world today! Yes! She was bundled up, placed in her car seat with the ventilator attached to the stroller part and was strolled right out the door into the crisp and somewhat gloomy Colorado day! She was taken to the family van and taken on a car ride! My heart just flutters a bit as I imagine the excitement and at the same time, seriousness of her parents methodical placing of Chloe and the equipment into their car! The respiratory therapist was there for the ride, but the whole thing went off without a single alarm ringing out and Chloe staying soundly asleep! So, her big day out basically went without notice by Chloe, but not by all of us! I was unable to be there, but anxiously awaited the results. Jen noted that Chloe did raise one eye a bit as they walked into the day but quickly closed it. She also must have felt something a bit different as she was placed into the car, but nothing much to note for her, as her little peek was it and a peaceful nap followed. Another big test was passed on this day, all of these milestones lead Chloe down the path to her life at home, surrounded by her loving parents and ever so interested and lovely siblings! The day is coming friends, and it is not long now! It may be as late as Nov. 16th, as we continue to wait for nurses to be hired and prepared for Chloe's extra special needs, but it is worth waiting for! We ask for your continued prayers, we ask that you continue to invite positive and loving people here who share our vision in making Chloe's life wonderful and who would like to take part in helping her to become only the best she can be! We have had excellent care, amazing surgeons and doctors and the best nurses on the planet for much of her life, we have met friends who have appeared out of nowhere and given time, money, encouragement and love. We have, and continue to have the Greatest Healer of ALL on our side, our Lord, who sent us Chloe and most definitely has major plans for her life!! We will continue to need each one of these components for years to we will build on what we have now. Thank you, each one of you, for what you have given to this ever so remarkable baby and her family. So many have gone the extra mile to bring smiles to our faces on the most difficult of days. Thank you from each one of us!! All our love and blessings to you! Til next time, Nancy P.S Hopefully, tomorrow we'll get snowed in and I'll have some time to post pictures!!! We're well on our way as I write this!!!

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