Monday, June 15, 2009

Surgery Update-Long day

June 14th, 2009 Late Night

It has been a long day but I felt compelled to report on the day's events. Due to several complications, the surgery took a few hours longer than expected which had our family on pins and needles for a bit of time. Having to open her tummy up was something we had hoped would be avoided, but that is not what happened. The G-Tube could not be placed without the larger incision because of the enlarged liver, but it was placed, and in a few days, hopefully, Chloe will be being fed that way. It is GREAT to not have a tube in her nose now! The two holes in her heart have been determined to be having more of an impact that originally thought, especially on the volume of blood that gets to the lungs. It will need to be repaired down the road at some time. Chloe's oxygen level dropped as low as seven, but only briefly and it was decided to put a arterial I.V into her heart. This allows the nurses to monitor her blood pressure at all times and if blood draws need to be taken, they can use it. It is sort of crazy, cause it is actually stitched on to her inner wrist with three stitches, because it must stay in place. Chloe has been very good at hooking a finger around her feeding tube and pulling it out or pulling on the ribbon around the trach tube, Just a little Houdini in the making maybe! That will only stay until she is stable, hopefully a couple of days. 
She also required a blood transfusion. When she returned to the room, it was quite some time before they could get her really comfortable. It was quite obvious that she was experiencing pain and it was difficult to calm her. Pain meds were finally doubled and she settled in to sleep. Poor little thing, what a long day for her! It is my prayer tonight that she sleeps well and that they have gotten ahead of the pain. On a positive note, the ventilator settings that helped so much the last four days to get her moving past that ghastly, scary time, have remained the same. No changes have been necessary. Now, Chloe needs to rest and heal and try to get closer to going home. Her mommy and daddy just want to take her home. Speaking of kids and home, I brought Sierra and Kadin home with me again tonight, as Lance had to leave to go to work in the morning, and Jen needed to stay overnight in the room with Chloe for both own good! We make our adjustments on a daily or hourly basis. Never have I been so understanding of taking each day as it is given to me. It really is what we have, and kindness, love, sharing of ourselves and resources, counting our blessings and LIVING THE DAY is all that matters. Thanks to you and your encouragement and stories because this is MUCH easier to do knowing you are all there.. God bless each and every one of you, and may you live tomorrow like it might be your last. Lovingly and with 
leaden eyelids, Nancy

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